I want to share something that is really owesome. I cant stop
giggled after read some good stuff on the net. an entry written by
obefiend on his blog was really made me laughed.
I think
Malaysian know what is the
Malaysia today is. Malaysia today = the place to get an
evidence that came from the reliable sources. The holy bible for
PKR supporters
referring to when they had confused or try to seek an evidence that the writer claimed came from the reliable sources. So now we know that the
pranker are included as one of their reliable sources.
please read this and then you will know the reason why am I laughed for.
obefiend blogRPK got
pranked!! So do you still believe in
Antatuya issue that written by
RPK was came from the reliable sources? Do you still believe on what
RPK wrote?
For me, yes we should..we should if he providing us with how he got the sources. But if he do that. for sure most of his articles are labeled as a mere hearsay.
lol :P
you got