
Friday, August 20, 2010

astro beyond - what da heck? RM199??

will you pay for something but it is not yours?
will you care about the life time warranty provided but the item is not yours?

cut that crab. nobody will but for the astro subscriber this thing is normal because you have no other choice.

for the existing customer - the old decoder is yours, but if you want to subscribe the HD channel, you need to change to new astro beyond decoder, dont worry its free plus got a lifetime warranty. + free installation service

nice pakage isnt it?

but who cares about the lifetime warantty because the decoder is not yours anymore. you need to return back the decoder once you have terminating the astro service or else RM500 will be charged if you are fail to.

for new customer -

same pakages has been offered by astro but you need to pay RM199 extra
I called the astro service center last week.

im asking whats the reason for RM199 and the astro representative said that its the price for the decoder and the waranty is for a lifetime

how long is the contract period - a year,  if you terminate the service before the contract period you need to pay it.

the decoder is mine? - no, its not, even if you terminate the service after the contract period, you still need to return it back to astro

what the heck? so RM199, what for? - emm its for the lifetime warranty service sir...

the decoder is not mine..who cares about the warranty..but i have no choice since astro is a monopoly and capitalist company. the new epl & uefa season is already begin..

huh! i hate astro but something in me craving for this bloody service
why am i subsribing astro - read this -,+ESPN+win+EPL+deal+in+Malaysia-a01612018091

 i have no choice. WE have no other choice.
but believe me, if TM win the bid for ESPN  someday, of course i will terminate this bloody services. i know TM is still the monopoly company but remmembere TM is one of the GLC`s

capitalist = everithing is possible.
monopoly = customers is our toys
this kind of thing is useless since astro is the monopoly company. shit lah..

p/s : aku rase asto service center salah bg info. maybe 199 is for installation fee..199 untuk installation fee sangat mahal la..damit. tapi kalau untuk decoder..totally bullshit..

Monday, August 16, 2010

Is it possible to forget something special to you?

Is it possible to forget something special? i had thrown this kind of question to my friends last week, and most of them answered NO. its so damn hard to forget something that you think so special in term of things or a person you really love.

This question kept bugging me when i was studying at Jengka. a lots of things happened there and sometimes it really tested my emotion. im lost, i dont know what to do because i felt so lonely and my mind kept remind me the persons that i love but they were not there for me. i felt like im alone and i wanted to cry to relief something but i cant.

when i was in a very difficult time, i really wanted to have my parents to be by my side, but they were far away from my collage, i grabbed my phone to make a call but i cant because of my ego as a man- i dont want anyone know about about my sadness. im waiting for any call from someone special, dearest  to me but i have no one. for me love is totally sucks! im craving to get my guitar to pluck the strings while listening to the melody of X-japan but all i got was nothing. it maybe just relief me for just some amount of time, but when i woke up in the morning the things will still bugging me and sometimes it turn even more worst than what i can imagine. im smoking a lot and one day i had a bad cough and spat a blood.

im looking to the blood that i had spat, it was too thick and i think im dying, so scared to death. i didnt tell anyone about this, but i still a person who have a faith to the Al-mighty God.  after i did my prayer i tried to grumble about my fate and what had happened to me, i didn't meant to show dissatisfied with what has He did to me, actually i grumble to Him to share something and begging for helps because im totally lost. you know what, i cried and i can tell everything i felt without a doubt to Him. it really relief me a lot, im fetl peace was all over me.

you know what my problem was? yeah its about love. its true that love is cruel sometimes, its truly a very great pain seem like you bury a very damn sharp knifes deep inside your heart, and the knifes slowly slicing you heart and soul to make it split into pieces. i my self cant deal it during that time. i tried to find the answer and im lost in the middle of seeking. but when im asking the God, the answer is found.

Now i have the answer because i already walk trough that path. Today,  i dont know why my friends are  like to share his/her personal story mostly about love. when they got into trouble, they seek for me to give some advice eventho i know im not a type of person who like to kept the secrets that has been shared to me alone. but i love to give my advice to them because i my self have the same problem sometimes, when i give an advice it seems like i motivate my self too.

but the same answer for these question. i know it maybe a POYO one..but this thing had happened to me before and i did the same thing.

kembali kepada Allah kerana dialah yang maha pengasih dan maha penyayang.

hadith imam Tirmizi daripada Anas r.a "sesungguhnya Rasullullah SAW apabila baginda ditimpa sesuatu kesulitan atau kesusahan, maka untuk menghilangkan rasa kesusahan itu baginda mengucapkan, 'yaa hayyu yaa qayyummu birahmatika astaghiistu" yang bermaksud ' wahai tuhan yang hidup, wahai tuhan yang tetap mengurus melindungi, aku berlindung diri dengan rahmatmu'

hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu ABbas, Rasullullah SAW bersabda : sesiapa yang banyak beristighfar iaitu mengingati Allah serta memohon ampun daripadaNya, dia dilepaskan Allah dari segala kesukaran dan kesempitan, serta diberi rezeki daripada sumber-sumber yang dia tidak sangka'

hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Naim daripada Ali : baginda bersabda : sesiapa yang selalu ingat dan takut dengan Allah, nescaya dia hidup kuat dan hebat dan dia hidup dalam negerinya dengan aman dan tenteram'.

Firman Allah dalam surah Ali Imran ayat 159, " sesungguhnya ALlah SWT menyukai orang yang bertawakkal kepadaNya"

ps: i hope my friend will read this. i write this because i have the reason for what have i answered because i already went trough that path and of course i didnt mean to POYO or something.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sherlock's 1x01: "A Study In Pink"

For the Sherlock`s fans out there, you must watch this seriously but of course you need to download it first.lolx
the 1st. 2nd and 3rd series has already been released. 

On the 1st episode, it will story on how Dr John Watson decided to become a friend with the real freaking psychopath detective.He assume that life with sherlock will never be boring again. it will story too on how both of them cooperate to defeat a serial killer, a dying cabbie driver who kills for money. the more he kills more will he get from the fan of sherlock itself, Moriarty

i dont want to write more, because i myself hate to read the synopsis of my favorite movies because for me it will ruin the taste of it.So i`ll leave it up for you to judge as a fan.
but for me, i will rating this 1st series : 8 out of 10. it will really whack your brain..lolx

Sherlock 1x02 The Blind Banker
Sherlock 1x03 The Great Game

kafir mengkafir? - part 2

user ryujimitsui has officially been blocked by this bloger.
not just that,some of his comments are also been deleted by him.

so i dont want to waste my time anymore debating something using new nick with this useless coward.
btw, hes a lecturer at UTM and i wonder how he teach his students everyday.
dah la delete comments, lepas tu tuduh aku penyokong KE?aku bukan peminat KE, aku just tak sokong cara dia...dia ni tak reti membace ke?hehe

let me share with you guys what the comments that has been deleted by this coward.

ryujimitsui wrote today at 8:56 PM
"Hukum umum menghina hukum Islam yang jelas seperti azan membawa murtad, tetapi individu tertentu yang menghina tidak boleh terus dihukum murtad. Hendaklah dilihat keadaannya, maksud ucapannya, kefahamannya dan berbagai latar yang lain. Mungkin dia tidak bermaksud, mungkin dia tersasul, mungkin dia jahil dan seumpamanya. Kata Syeikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah (meninggal 728H)"

“Sesungguhnya ucapan yang menjadikan seseorang itu kufur ialah seperti mengingkari kewajipan solat, zakat, puasa dan haji. Namun, pengucapan itu mungkin kerana khitab (ajaran yang betul dalam perkara tersebut) tidak sampai kepadanya. Jika perkara itu berlaku, dia tidak dianggap kafir. Contohnya, golongan yang baru menganut Islam dan hidup di daerah pedalaman yang jauh sehinggakan syariat Islam tidak sampai kepadanya.” (Majmu’at al-Fatawa, jil: 2, ms: 220.)

Maka, tidak boleh dikafirkan seseorang melainkan setengah berlakunya iqamah al-Hujjah iaitu penegakan hujah atau dalil. Setelah didapati dia melanggar batasan Iman dan Islam, hendaklah dijelaskan hakikat ilmu yang sebenarnya dan ditegakkan dalil-dalil yang kukuh kepadanya sehingga dia jelas. Selepas itu, jika dia masih berdegil, dan perkataan atau perbuatan tidak boleh ditafsirkan lagi melainkan membawa kekufuran barulah hukum tersebut boleh dijatuhkan kepadanya. Kata Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi:

Kita tidak boleh mengkafirkan seorang muslim dengan setiap dosa, meskipun dosa besar. Kecuali ada unsur menganggap halal maksiat itu. Kita juga tidak menghilangkan akar iman darinya, dia masih disebut orang beriman secara hakiki atau seorang mukmin yang fasik (tetapi) tidak kafir.

Menurut Imam Abu Ja’afar al-Thahawi rahimahullah:
Kita tidak mengkafirkan seorangpun ahlul kiblat karena dosa-dosa yang dilakukan, selama dia tidak menghalalkan perbuatan dosa tersebut.

kafir terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian, dan dalam menghukum seseorang itu kafir kita kena selidik dulu. sebab itu tuhan yang maha mengetahui saja yang boleh menghukum kafir tanpa perlu selidik. tapi kita manusia ini perlu melalui beberapa peringkat untuk menjatuhkan kafir kepada seseorang itu.
Pertama: Baligh dan berakal.
Kedua: Perbuatan kafir dilakukan dengan sengaja.
Ketiga: MENASIHATI <--- ini apa?
Keempat: Perbuatan diukur dari segi zahirnya.
Kelima: Kekafiran memiliki cabang-cabangnya. - Contohnya mengatakan Nabi Isa as. adalah anak tuhan atau tuhan itu bertiga (Trinity) jelas mengeluarkan pelakunya dari Islam. Sedangkan peminum arak atau penzina hanya dihukumi sebagai seorang yang fasiq (pelaku dosa besar),

jika hanya berpandukan beberapa kerat ayat al-quran, abg tak boleh nk mengkafirkan dia. sebab abg bukan lah tuhan yang maha mengetahui!!

jangan delete jika abg betul orang yang memperjuangkan agama! dakwah nabi bukanlah dakwah secara dayus dan menyembunyikan kebenaran

edit delete reply
ryujimitsui wrote today at 9:30 PM
dari sumber2 yang saya beri diatas, tu yang menguatkan hujah saya..
ya saya memang tak tahu tauhid macam ape yang abg tau..saya juga tak tahu akidah macam ape yang abg tahu....saya hambaNya yang jahil..
lagi baik menjadi jahil dari berilmu dan angkuh/riak dan menyesatkan orang.

rasanya abg mesti pernah dengar hadis ini
‘Dalam jasad anak Adam ada seketul daging, jika ia baik baiklah segalanya dan jika buruk, buruklah segalanya, ketahuilah ia adalah hati’.

jika hati masih menyembah Allah, insyaAllah ada lagi sinar yang mengerakkan angota lain sujud kepadaNya..oleh itu jangan la nk mengkafirkan dia sesuka hati kerana kejahilan tp nasihat lah kerana kejahilan dia...
menasihati orang secara tak langsung menasihati dan mengingatkan pada diri kita sendri.
menunduh orang secara tak langsung menuduh diri sendri.

harap abg jangan delete, berbincang secara ilmiah baru kebenaran tersingkap.

p/s : thanks to those who has supported me especially anon who share me those links.

Monday, August 9, 2010

kafir mengkafir?

Lately I’m not feeling good to write on the wall of my blog but not because im sick, its actually because of I  just bought a bloody full HD Sony Bravia that conquering most space in my room. I enjoyed watching Full HD DVDrip movies that I had downloaded from the internet plus a bundle that I copied from my friend..ohh I wish for more free time in my life or maybe got an extra hour per day. Time is running too fast or even faster than the speed of the light.

I just wrongly took a medicine before going to the office, bloody me was just swallowing pills contained a dosage that can put me in a sleepy mode while at work. But I don’t want to fall sleep yet. I want to finish my writing first even I’m on half asleep while typing this.

At present sometimes I like to spend my free time reading random blogs on the net and of course I will drop some comments if I’m feeling disagreed or not with the writer. That is what I am, a bloody nerd with a keyboard who like to debate on the net because I’m not a good speaker on public indeed. During my visit to those blogs, I think there’s something that can be highlighted and shared on my blog

Ok lets reveal the link
Here it below.

I don’t know why I’m feeling disgusted when read an article kafir mengkafir nih~.. For each time I found something similar with this, of course I will drop comments to oppose. Of course I’m not good in religion things, I’m not ustaz, imam or even tok siak di masjid. No need to tell because everybody knows that I’m just a brat with the opinions. But beneath inside my heart I really hope to be a good man, I always dream to see people are calling me ustaz but thanks to the previous me, I like to ponteng fardu ain classes + Al Quran reciting classes + kelas agama kat sekolah because I’m too cheeky and like to break the rules during my childhood.

I believe human was created by the Al-Mighty because of His love.
Allah Maha Adil but we are not. We can’t be fair 100% to the people. So who the hell are we to kafir mengkafir nih??

Let get the thing cleared. By copy pasta the Al-Quran words, for me it doesn’t mean that you can claim other people kafir.
Allah yang mengkafirkan hambanya but not us. But remember pintu taubat sentiasa terbuka For me our job is to make sure ourselves and the people around us are not in dilemma to choose and not lost the faith because of the poor unlucky fate during the walking on the long road to seek/meet the creator. Think! Who we are and what we are.

Al-Quran diturunkan kepada kita untuk menjadi panduan kepada manusia. ia bukan lah hukuman tapi itu adalah peringatan.

Last but not least, I like to quote some hadis that has been thrown by punts2 on the comments section.

"Tinggalkan perbantahan kerana sesunguhnya Bani Isra'il telah berpecah menjadi 71 golongan dan orang-orang Nasrani berpecah menjadi 72 golongan, semuanya sesat kecuali as Sawadul A'zhom. Para sahabat bertanya : Wahai RasuluLlah siapakah sawadhul a'zhom itu? Nabi menjawab : mereka adalah orang-orang yang mengikuti aku dan para sahabatku, tidak berbantah-bantah dalam agama ALlah dan tidak mengkafirkan salah seorang di antara ahli tauhid sebab dosa yang sudah diampuni oleh ALlah. Kemudian Nabi bersabda : Sesungguhnya Islam itu datang dalam keadaan asing dan nanti akan kembali asing. Para sahabat bertanya : Wahai RasuluLlah siapakah orang-orang asing itu? Nabi menjawab : Mereka adalah orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan dikala orang-orang berbuat kerosakan, tidak berbantah-bantahan dalam agama ALlah dan tidak mengkafirkan salah seorang di antara ahli Tauhid dengan sebab dosa yang telah dia lakukan.
Hadith RasuluLLah yang terdapat dalam Sahih Bukhari:
"Barangsiapa mengatakan kepada saudaranya dengan Wahai Kafir, maka kekafiran itu kembali kepada salah satunya "
Hadith dikeluarkan oleh Ibnu Hibban pada hadith no 81 dan Ibnu Kathir dalam tafsirnya jilid II/266:
" Sesungguhnya perkara yang aku khuatirkan ke atas kamu semua adalah seseorang yang telah membaca al Quran sehingga apabila telah nampak kepandaiannya dalam al Quran dan dia telah menjadi pendokong Islam, tiba-tiba sahaja dia merubahnya kepada sesuatu yang dikehendaki oleh ALlah, maka iapun terlepas dari al Quran dan melemparkannya ke belakang serta mengancam tetangganya dengan pedang sambil melemparinya dengan tuduhan syirik. Aku bertanya : Wahai Nabi ALlah mana di antara keduanya yang lebih patut di anggap melakukan kesyirikan? Orang yang dituduh ataukah yang melemparkan tuduhan? Nabi menjawab : Yang melemparkan tuduhan. "
Dalam sahih Bukhari:
"Barangsiapa yang melaknat seorang Mukmin maka itu seperti membunuhnya dan barangsiapa yang menuduh seorang Mukmin dengan kekafiran maka itu seperti membunuhnya."

p/s : I don’t know which sides are right, but for me please stop the kafir mengkafir thingy. For me it surely can lead to the never ending “disasters” to our holy Islam.


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